Ying-Hung Chen


Last updated 11-4-2001


Instructions for installing tomcat and frontpage extension for Linux with apache web server


  1. Require software packages:


·        Java JDK from http://www.blackdown.org (jdk-1.2.2-RC4-linux-i386-glibc-2.1.2.tar.bz2)


NOTE: Roll back to jdk-1.18v3 as recommended by Oracle. --11-4-2001


·        Frontpage extension package from http://www.rtr.com/fpsupport (fp40.linux.tar.gz)

·        Working apache web server with frontpage server extension support. (Reference URL: http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/mini/Apache+SSL+PHP+fp.html) NOTE: There are many ways to have Apache Webserver to run with Frontpage server extension. Mandrake-Linux 8.0 development has mod_frontpage-1.5.x.rpm that I have used with minimal configuration file changed to get it work.

·        Tomcat software from http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-3.2-doc/tomcat-apache-howto.html (both jakarta-tomcat* packages) and follow the installation howto.


  1. Brief Instructions:







In /usr/local/frontpage/version4.0 , run



A dialog will look like this:


Please enter command:

0) quit

1) install

2) upgrade

3) uninstall

4) check and fix

5) enable authoring

6) disable authoring

7) change security settings

8) recalculate links

9) delete

10) rename

11) set directory executable

12) set directory no executable

13) putfile

14) recalcfile

15) create a subweb

16) merge a subweb into its parent web

17) full uninstall of all FrontPage information

18) chown

Your choice [1]: 1


Please enter server type:

0) apache

1) apache-fp

2) ncsa

3) netscape-enterprise

4) netscape-fasttrack

5) stronghold

Your choice [0]: 1

Enter server config filename: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Enter host name for multi-hosting []:


Starting install, port: 8080, web: "root web"


Enter UNIX username []: <frontpageuser>

Enter UNIX group []: <frontpageuser>


User name to add to FrontPage group "administrators" [administrator]: fpadmin

Password for user "fpadmin":

Confirm password:

Chowning Content in service root web

Install completed.


Move the 8080.cn* to 80.cn* so frontpage extension runs on port 80.




1.      To work around the frontpage scripts and Mandrake8.0 apache config file, I combine httpd.conf and commonhttpd.conf to ONE huge httpd.conf file, also uncommented out the

     <IfDefine HAVE_FRONTPAGE> Tags in httpd.conf




1.      Check the tomcat-apache.conf for reference

2.      Need to compile mod_jserv via command (apxs -c -o mod_jserv.so *.c) in the tomcat src

3.      run bin/tomcat.sh start so it will create the tomcat-apache.conf.

4.      Modify tomcat-apache.conf to fit our need and Include it in the httpd.conf



#make sure tomcat knows about oracle


CLASSPATH=.:$ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib/classes111.zip; export CLASSPATH

ORACLE_BASE=/usr/oraInventory;export ORACLE_BASE

ORACLE_HOME=/usr/oracle;export ORACLE_HOME